Systemic rituals is different form of constellation work with elements of Shamanic traditions and mystical Jewish tradition. As a facilitator I work with my diamonds individual or in groups. The way I like to work is by employ the use of a previous letter to prepare the process by praying and doing a shamic trance journey with each case. During session I always open ceremony with a prayer to be able to connecting to a higher source of power by means of which one is going to act in search of help and healing. That force is what sustains the work to be able to act.
To achieve an alter state of consciousness I use sage, incense, essential oils and of course the shamanic drum, rattles and sometimes my voice.
During the work I use the wheel of four directions.
Experience has shown that Systemic Ritual is a specially powerful method for specific target groups in which people and/or there ancestors share a collective trauma or difficult history.
The length of each session is maximum 90 minutes.