Family constellations are based on the premise that each person can perceive all those forms of behavior and habits of their relatives that remain in the memory and are transmitted in a generational way. Those factors affect your behavior.
It is a process that encompasses the family soul so it can change suffering and transgenerational sadness. Most people unwittingly adopt patterns of anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, loneliness and even diseases such as family loyalty. For example, a person can grow up by sacrificing their interests in an attempt to alleviate the suffering of one of their parents or a relative, but with this act of unconscious love only brings frustration and unhappiness.
Family Constellations, being a systemic therapy, we can restore order, ensure belonging in the family system through honor, thus obtaining its permission to achieve success and happiness without the need for sacrifice.
In an individual Family Constellation, the client is guided by the facilitator to perform the work using dolls, stones or seashells. In the case of being a Family Constellation in Group, there will be volunteers who help to realize the constellation.
The length of each session is maximum 90 minutes